criblage de launaea arborescens

Seed germination inLaunaea arborescens: a continuously

1997年5月1日  Abstract. Achenes (seeds) of the perennial shrub Launaea arborescens (Asteraceae) germinated under a wide range of environmental conditions. None of the

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2018年8月16日  This species falls into theEndangered category according to IUCN criteria ( Benhouhou, 2005 ). In this study, we developed microsatellite markers for L. arborescens

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American Journal of Botany - Botanical Society of America

2012年12月1日  Abstract. • Premise of the study: Microsatellite loci were developed in Launaea arborescens, an endangered and medicinal Asteraceae species in North Africa,

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Launaea arborescens - Alpine Garden Society

Botanical Description. Sonchus spinosus). A spiny, intricately branched shrublet 20-40cm high and wide. Leaves mostly basal, pinnatisect, usually with linear lobes, glabrous.

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1011. LAUNAEA CERVICORNIS: Compositae - Hind - Wiley

2022年1月21日  Launaea cervicornis (and L. arborescens) has an opportunistic germination strategy, whereby germination is regulated by the soil moisture and a moderate range of

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Phylogenomic insight into dysploidy, speciation, and

2022年6月30日  Comparison of the chloroplast genomes of eight Reichardia and two Launaea species against L. arborescens using mVISTA. Grey arrows indicate genes with

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Launaea arborescens (Batt.) Murb. - GBIF

Launaea arborescens Description Dense, intricate, spinescent, ± irregularly hemispherical shrub, c. 50-100 (-150) cm high, almost leafless, with a deep-reaching strong taproot and

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Launaea arborescens /RHS Gardening

The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place. Join

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Launaea arborescens (Launaea arborescens) - JungleDragon

Appearance. It is a woody-based shrub, dense and intricate, very branched in a zigzag shape (with angles of 80-100º), laticiferous, with an unpleasant smell and spiny

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Launaea arborescens (Launaea arborescens) - JungleDragon

Appearance. It is a woody-based shrub, dense and intricate, very branched in a zigzag shape (with angles of 80-100º), laticiferous, with an unpleasant smell and spiny appearance. It measures 50-100 cm, being able to reach 150 cm in height and has robust roots, of deep vertical reach but also of lateral extension.

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Seed germination inLaunaea arborescens: a continuously

1997年5月1日  Achenes (seeds) of the perennial shrub Launaea arborescens (Asteraceae) germinated under a wide range of environmental conditions. None of the seeds were dormant, nor was there any evidence that dormancy could be induced. Apparently, this semi-desert species has no means of preventing immediate germination. Achenes are

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Launaea arborescens - Wikispecies - Wikimedia

2024年4月25日  Genus: Launaea Species: Launaea arborescens. Name [edit] Launaea arborescens Murb., Acta Univ. Lund. n.s., 19(1): 65 (1923) Synonyms [edit] Lactuca spinosa Lam. Launaea acanthoclada Maire; Launaea freyniana (Huter, Porta Rigo ex Porta) Pau; Launaea melanostigma Pettersson; Sonchus freynianus Huter. Porta Rigo ex Porta;

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Phytochemical investigation of the bioactive extract from

2006年12月1日  Abstract Ethnopharmacological relevance Launaea arborescens, its vernacular name is Mol-albina belonging to asteracaea family origin of the southwest of Algeria. ... L'identification des bandes de ...

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Taxonomy browser (Launaea arborescens) - National Center

Launaea arborescens ((Batt.) Murb.) herbarium/museum collections: PlantaeDB, University of Bucharest: Launaea arborescens: taxonomy/phylogenetic: Plants of the World Online: Launaea arborescens: taxonomy/phylogenetic: The International Plant Names Index: search W3TROPICOS: taxonomy/phylogenetic: Vascular Tropicos: Launaea arborescens (Batt ...

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Launaea arborescens Murb. - asturnatura

2016年5月31日  Disponible en asturnatura. ISSN 1887-5068. Especie añadida el 31-05-2016. Descripción creada el 06-06-2016. Última modificación el 06-06-2016. Launaea arborescens Murb.. Planta arbustiva o mata espinosa, de 40-150 cm, con tallos erectos, profusamente ramificados, zigzagueantes, con ramas ahorquilladas, divaricadas, pun.

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Triterpenoid and falvonoid from aerial part of Launaea arborescens

2016年2月1日  Launaea arboresens (local name "Oum Lbina") is an endemic herbaceous medicinal plant mainly distributed in the southwest of Algeria and southeast of Morocco. Chemical investigation of Launaea ...

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4 天之前  Arbusto espinoso de hasta 1 m de altura, con tallos muy ramificados, zigzagueantes, enmarañados, lampiños, de color verde glauco, algo céreos, que segregan abundante látex al partirse.Hojas escasas y por lo general poco visibles, crasas, pinnatisectas, de lóbulos lineares. Capítulos terminales, con pedúnculo corto y flores

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Launaea Arborescens - Leaf Library

2024年4月14日  The leaves of Launaea Arborescens are long, narrow, and green in color. They have serrated edges and are about 10-15 cm long. The flowers are small and yellow, and they bloom in clusters at the top of the stem. The stem of this plant is woody and can grow up to 1 meter tall. The plant has few branches and looks like a small tree.

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Strauch-Dornlattich – Wikipedia

2024年5月2日  Beschreibung. Launaea arborescens ist ein mittelgroßer, sehr kleinteilig verzweigter und stark mit Dornen bewehrter Strauch von etwa halbkugeliger bis kissenförmiger Gestalt, der Wuchshöhen von 50 bis 100 cm, maximal bis 150 cm erreicht.. Auffallend ist der zickzackförmige Wuchs der Sprossachsen.Diese sind jung glatt, von

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Launaea arborescens – Wikipedia

2024年5月7日  Launaea arborescens er en planteart i kurvplantefamilien. Den er en mellomstor tornebusk med sikksakkformede grener som vokser i halvørken i Nordvest-Afrika, på den afrikanske atlanterhavskysten og øyene utenfor så vel som sør-øst i Spania.

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Launaea arborescens - Viveros Muzalé

Aulaga. Se trata de un arbusto leñoso, muy ramificado, espinoso, muy oloroso, con un tallo de comportamiento zigzagueante debido a su ramificación casi en ángulo recto. Sobre él se asientan hojas alternas

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Launaea arborescens - Garden - The National Gardening

Launaea arborescens. Plant database entry for Launaea arborescens with one image.

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2018年8月16日  Launaea arborescens (Batt.) Murb ., a member of the Aster-aceae family, is a xerophilous perennial shrub with a height of 50–150 cm ( Benhouhou , 2005 ). It is a Saharo-Canarian phyto-geographical element but is also indigenous to the semidesert of southeastern Spain ( Schütz and Milberg, 1997 ). The aerial part

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Launaea arborescens - EcuRed

Launaea arborescens. Es una especie de fanerógama de la familia Asteraceae. Se trata de un arbusto leñoso, muy ramificado, espinoso, muy oloroso, con un tallo de comportamiento zigzagueante debido a su ramificación casi en ángulo recto ... Peligro de extinción. L. arborescens se encuentra amenazada por la presión urbanística sobre los ...

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Launaea arborescens - Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure

2024年4月4日  Launaea arborescens va ser descrita originàriament per Jules Aimé Battandier en el Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France, vol. 35, p. 391-392, 1888 [5] com a Zollikoferia arborescens Batt. ( basiònim ), ulteriorment atribuïda al gènere Launaea per Svante Samuel Murbeck i publicada en Acta Universitatis Lundensis, ser. 2, vol. 19 (1 ...

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Launaea – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

2024年5月7日  Launaea arborescens Launaea cervicornis Launaea – rodzaj roślin z rodziny astrowatych (Asteraceae).Obejmuje 56 gatunków.Niemal wszystkie występują na Starym Świecie, tylko jeden gatunek obecny jest w zachodniej Australii.Zasięg rodzaju obejmuje niemal całą Afrykę wraz z Wyspami Kanaryjskimi i Madagaskarem, południowe

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Launaea - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

2024年5月2日  La especie tipo del género: Launaea sarmentosa Otro ejemplo del género: Launaea cercornis Un ejemplo de cipselas algo heteromórficas en Launaea arborescens. Launaea es un género de plantas con flores perteneciente a la familia Chapalapachala. Comprende más de 350 especies descritas y de estas, solo unas 60 aceptadas. [1] [2]

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Launaea arborescens – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

2024年5月9日  L. arborescens. Nome binomial. Launaea arborescens. (Batt.) Murb. Distribuição geográfica. Launaea arborescens é uma espécie de planta com flor pertencente à família Asteraceae. A autoridade científica da espécie é ( Batt.) Murb., tendo sido publicada em Lunds Arsskrift, n.s. 19: 65. 192.

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